Dorothy with life-long friends, Lisa and Karen Heckman. Karen’s husband, Dick, worked professionally with Dan Noorlander Sr. for many, many years.
Dorothy in her apartment the Sunday after the party. October 2012.
Dan Noorlander (son) sitting with Lisa Heckman on the day of the party. Behind them on the piano is an award-winning pencil drawing (Jewish theme), which Lisa presented to Dorothy many years ago.
Dorothy with her Visiting Teachers, Kami Walker and Serenity Kimball.
Dorothy with her good friends, Gayle Noorlander and Leslie Hermansen.
Dan Noorlander lighting nine candles representing 90 years of age.
Dan Noorlander presenting birthday cake to Dorothy, just after she blew out the candles. Dozens of ward members and friends came to celebrate with Dorothy on her special day.